This book was published in 1977.  This soft cover is 10” high by 7” wide, it has no pagination (143 pages) and it is illustrated with photos and maps.

This book is Signed by Arlene & Bob Andre on the Title Page.

This book is in Near Fine condition, it is a very nice, clean copy.

From the book:  “In suggesting the title, Andre’s Crossing, several references come to mind.  First, it pinpoints on a map that spot where the Grand Rapids, Holland and Chicago Railway ‘crossed’ the Andre Homestead during the first quart of this century.  It might also refer to the marriages which involved the ‘crossing’ of the Andre blood line with that of a multitude of other families.  But most significant of all it would refer to that seven week ‘crossing’ of the stormy Atlantic Ocean which brought Hiram Rosing Andre and family from The Netherlands to these shores in 1848.”

In addition to family stories, this book contains a detailed family history.