This book presents a general survey of Italian fiddling. Contents include over 40 scores in standard notation from the repertoires of old traditional tunes, ballroom dancing, manuscripts and printed sources. Moreover, the main features of Italian fiddling are discussed through fiddle positions, fingering and bowing techniques, 2nd fiddle examples, back-ups, regional styles and historical notes. The first Italian method to learn an instrument according to its folk technique, suitable for both beginners and trained musicians. Edited by three top fiddlers of Italian folk revival devoted to collecting and performing fiddle music for several years.


The fiddle in northern Italy - Styles  - The folk luthery

Chapter I - Old traditional tunes

Savena ValleySpagnoletto, Bergamasco, Giga, Milorda, Tresca -  Resia ValleyTa ucjàrskaTa mydvedava -  

Caffaro Valley: Moleta, Monichèla, Bal frances, Monfrina La e Mi - Vigezzo Valley: Matuzinàa, Matuzinàa

Venetian Communities of Istria: Vilota, Saltin, Saltin - Carnia: Stàjare, Salteri, Mila

Varaita ValleyCourento, Balèt - Oltrepo pavese: Curenta di Zavattarello

Chapter 2 - The mountain "liscio"

Valzer di Malesco, Sunade di Nearies, Mazurca di Zavattarello, Scotìs, Pairis, Mazurca di Toni, Polca di Paluzza, Valzer del mandriano, Polca dell'Acquacalda

Chapter 3 - Printed sources and manuscripts 

La pollacina, Ballo dal curioso accidente, Danze resiane, Calisson, Forlana, Contradanza, Monferrina, Lachera, Monferrina "La primavera", Va per tera, Bergamasca

48 pages.