This aromatic evergreen shrub grows well from 2600' to 10,000' in Mountains and their foothills. Particularly liking well drained benches and upper mountain slopes that receive annual precipitation from 8-30 inches. This big sagebrush variety is preferred for wildlife forage, and a perfect choice for increasing biodiversity in your yard. Songbirds love sagebrush habitat. Occurring at higher elevation and precipitation zones than Big Basin or Wyoming Big Sage. Grows 3-4ft tall. Hardy 4-10.

Looking, silver, green, and grey with tall erect stems that flatten at the top. It blooms in the fall with yellow bunched flowers, with 4-8 flowers per head. It has a lighter green color than other big sagebrush, as well as a lighter aromatic that doesn't overpower as much as Basin Big. 

Surface broadcasting or pressing down the seed into the soil usually produces the best results. Broadcasting is best done late fall or early spring to allow natural stratification. Don't sow more than 1/8th in deep when starting indoors or outdoors, indoor plantings should be started by May to allow enough time for growth before winter. Seedlings are easy to establish.