
 Universal DMX-512 controller
 Controls up to 12 intelligent lights of up to 16 channels each
 30 banks of 8 scenes, 240 scenes max
 192 DMX channels of control
 6 sets of chases containing 240 scenes
 Sequential linking of chases
 Grab any fixture on the fly
 Beat activation, tap-sync and auto run
 3 space 19" rack mount
 MIDI compatible
 Auto-save last running program when off or power off and continue play last running program while switch ON or power ON  again
 3Pin female DMX connector
 Dimension: 482mm×133mm×75 mm
 Net weight: 2.0kg
New Function
Standard DMX512 signal; 2.4G wireless
DMX512 transmitter
Communication distance:300m (visible distance)