Platinum Plus is a brand owned by White Horse Energy. This makes us the only official seller of Platinum Plus products on eBay  


Looking for a fantastic, kind to cats but equally practical product for your cat litter? Then try Platinum Plus Animal! Our product is incredibly gentle on cat and kitten paws for the ultimate comfort while they are using their litter tray. This is especially beneficial as kitten litter to keep them safe. In addition, Platinum Plus Animal is 100% premium virgin softwood, which is eco-friendly and entirely compostable. The pellets are heat treated to create a sterile product and have the dust extracted three times to minimise dust and mess. Moreover, this is a long-lasting product which can absorb 380% of its weight in moisture. Worried about odours? There’s no need, the high absorbency of this product diminishes odours whilst the pine-scent further masks them to keep your home smelling fresh. 

  • Gentle on cat and kitten paws 

  • Eco-friendly and compostable 100% virgin softwood 

  • Treated to be sterile 

  • Triple dust extracted for less mess 

  • High absorbency and low odour