Greenwald Or ESD Key # Need a key but you don't know the number? See description. You are not buying a key, I am offering advice! Most coin boxes made by Greenwald or ESD have a label inside the coin box with the key number listed that opens that coin box. If the coin box isn't too full of coins...we have been successful at going through the service door and use a telescopic mirror to read that key code! I included a sample coin box Picture to show the label that you are looking for.  They can look a little different or even be worn off.You must also take the coin slide off and remove the coin funnel to see inside the coin box. I specialize in whirlpool machines there are some maytag or SQ that you cannot see inside coin box!

  I have a lot of keys for sale & have been trying to help people.  My goal is to help as many people as possible and it is difficult to individually send this info so I thought I'd list advice for a $1 free shipping....haha! Just to try to help people! But you do NOT have to spend the dollar, I had to put in a $ amount.

If you can't open the service door located on top of the coin slide....then you have no way to get your coin box key #. The model & serial # will not help you get the key #.  I can tell you that the most common Service Door Key is an 800 or 777  key and you could roll the dice to see if that works for you.  The 800 key opens ESD or Greenwald service doors, I do sell those, my listing # for that key  is  144760917131 you can put that # in ebay search. but you can search and see other Key numbers that are also out there.  No one knows the key needed to open the service door by looking at it. But notice how most service door keys are circular or tubular in shape!

After opening the service door, you need to remove the coin slide & funnel to expose the coin box. You might find a YouTube video on how to do that. And not EVERY machine out there can you even see inside the box. I have the most experience with whirlpool made machines and you can!

If you don't know the service door key #, you could try calling a local service tech that works on this equipment...most of them would have a ring of service keys that he may be able to open the service door for you. You can also drill out the service door lock and buy those on Ebay too!

Also, if you have keys that you have not lost...

Write the key # and the machine it goes to and keep in a safe place! Never hurts to have a duplicate!

Also if you own a laundry...make a log of your keys & identify the machine it goes to. Then use a marker to black out the number inside your box as an added layer of security! Most people using the machines wouldn't know how to do it...but I've seen it happen

If you are have no choice but to drill out your coin box. Using a drill gun & bits you drill right where you would normally put your key in. It may help to start with a smaller bit & gradually get bigger & bigger. At some point the box will break open. It can take minutes or an hour! Good luck! I do sell used & new Coin boxes.

If you have a coin box key but it doesn't open the may be too full of money. You can try lifting up the front of your machine so that the money moves toward the back of the box. Many times that will allow just enough of space for your key to work!

If you are having a problem with people trying to break inside your Coin Box try the following advice.  In front of most Coin boxes is space where you can drill two holes and buy an elongated lock that will fit across the Coin Box. Even if they can open the Coin Box they will not be able to pull the box out. You will have to open that lock before you can collect your money too. If may be enough for them to not even attempt to break in. Most vandals can destroy your machine and still not get the money.

You can buy 7 to 8 inch long  commercial grade padlocks on Amazon to fit across the money box space.

I hope that you have found this information helpful