Micranthemum Umbrosom aka Dwarf Baby Tears, or simply HC, is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world, and creeps over the bottom with millimeter-sized, round leaves. Baby Tears is an attractive and popular foreground plant for small aquariums. It is not a difficult plant, and one of the easiest carpeting plants available.
Small pearls or bubbles of oxygen are often produced on top of the plants, adding a very lively aspect to the carpet. If planted in small clumps a few centimeters apart, it will spread rapidly and cover the bottom like a carpet.
This plant is excellent for aquariums that house fish, snails, and dwarf shrimp, as it provides biofilm, hiding places, and security for all aquarium inhabitants.Growing Dwarf Baby Tears requires some skill and is probably best suited for someone with a bit of experience. Use this care guide to assist you in planting your Dwarf Baby Tears, along with the maintenance required to reap the long-term benefits of this unique aquatic plant. They all have small roundish leaves and grow in similar conditions.