30ml Archangel & Ascended Master Essence Sprays - Choose Your Helpers

This product data sheet is originally written in English.

30ml Archangel / Ascended Master Essence Spray


Like doorways into a higher dimension these essences will help you to link more easily with the web of light and higher consciousness of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Use them as a point of focus to ask for inspiration, help and guidance to unfold your own spiritual journey.


More About the Archangel & Ascended Master Essences

Both Archangels & Ascended Masters belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy that have guided and directed the evolution of life on Earth from the beginning of time. From the great Centres of Light that exist in the higher dimensions of Earth they hold the vision of the Divine Plan for the unfoldment of life on Earth and with great love and dedication they work ceaselessly to ensure that this Plan unfolds within the greater perspective of the Universe to which we on Earth belong. Together they create a vast web of Light & Love around our planet that we can each connect with and contribute to when we focus with sincerity through our hearts.


Archangels are enormous beings of light from the great Central Sun, responsible for the process of stepping down the energy of creation from Source into form. Each of the many Archangels holds a strand of the energy of creation helping to direct its evolution. As such they are part of the ‘invisible’ world that makes the Universe work. They are dedicated to helping humanity move into the light and are always available to help us when requested to do so.


Ascended Masters are highly evolved beings, many of whom have incarnated on Earth over the ages bringing knowledge, wisdom & light to show us the way forward. They are our elder brothers and sisters who hold us constantly in the light of their higher vision helping us to grow and evolve. Each time we incarnate we are assigned to the care of a particular Ascended Master who oversees our progress, along with the help of other guides and teachers. At night during our sleep time we visit the great Centres of Light where the Ascended Masters reside, to learn and receive guidance and inspiration.


In recent years the vibrational frequencies on Earth have risen considerably so that it is now much easier for us all to connect with the Archangels & Ascended Masters and they with us. Use the essences in this set to help you to focus your connection more strongly and to receive the gifts of inspiration, guidance and help that are available to us all when we request it.

Archangel Gabriel

Invoke Archangel Gabriel for help with Clarity, Purity, Order & Discipline. He works to create more Harmony, Beauty & Purity on the Earth. He will help you to develop your intuition & to find your true path. Call on his help if you feel in need of purification. Archangel Gabriel is also the Angel of Childbirth so invoke his blessings for all newborn souls.


Archangel Michael

Invoke Archangel Michael for help with Courage, Strength and Protection. He carries the flaming blue Sword of Truth and will if requested use it to cut away any old ties, cords or misaligned energies that are holding you back. Ask for his help in any situation where you feel that you need to develop more willpower, initiative, strength & focus or where you feel in need of protection - whether physical or psychic.


Archangel Raphael

Invoke the help of Archangel Raphael for help with Healing, Creativity, Truth & Vision. Call on his help with any healing work and for help to dissolve the negative blockages which cause illness. He will also help you to develop Vision & Inner Knowing through the development of the sixth chakra.


Archangel Uriel

Invoke Archangel Uriel and his Angels of Peace in any situation where the energy of Divine Peace is needed. Ask for his help to dissolve your fears so that you can anchor the vibration of peace deep into your being. He will also help you to develop clarity, insight & vision.



Known as the Yogi-Christ, Babaji is a Mahavatar or great Avatar. He is also known as the deathless avatar because throughout the many centuries since his ascension he has continued to manifest a human body and to work from his spiritual retreat in the Himalayas, providing a living example for humanity of our own potential. It is said that to speak his name with reverence will attract a blessing from him.


Divine Mother

The nurturing, compassionate energy of the Divine Feminine is personified in the west by Mother Mary and in the east by Quan Yin. It is only recently that the energy of Divine Feminine has been re-established on the Earth allowing balance to be restored between masculine and feminine. Call on the Divine Mother energy to help you to connect with and balance your own feminine energy. The energies of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine must be balanced within each of us and within the Earth herself, before Peace & Harmony can be finally restored on Earth.



Is the Master of the Second Ray which embodies the qualities of Love & Wisdom. He is currently World Teacher and he works to bring illumination through education. In previous incarnations Kuthumi was Pythagoras, John the Beloved, Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal and St Francis of Assisi. Call on his help to receive spiritual inspiration, higher knowledge and wisdom.



Lord Maitreya is the Planetary Christ and head of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood. He is the teacher of many of the Ascended Masters and overshadowed Jesus during the last few years of his life, thus allowing the Christ Consciousness to be seeded on the Earth Plane.



Perhaps the most well known and loved of all the Ascended Masters through his incarnation as Jesus Christ. He is the Master of the Sixth Ray which embodies the qualities of devotion and idealism. He is said to be one of twelve sons/daughters of God and his life as Jesus personified Godliness living in human form. He was/is the way shower for our own spiritual journey and ascension. In esoteric literature he is said to have had lives on earth as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elija & Joseph of Egypt.


Violet Flame

The Violet Flame of Transmutation is a powerful ray of energy which is available to us all as a tool for purification and transmutation of negative energies. The Ascended Master St Germain brought the gift of the Violet Flame to humanity after the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. It was a dispensation from Source to help speed up our awakening. Call on the Violet Flame to purify negative thoughts and feelings or hold a situation in the Violet Flame asking that it be resolved for the highest good. Taking the essences as you do this will help to strengthen your connection.

Both Archangels & Ascended Masters belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy that have guided and directed the evolution of life on Earth from the beginning of time. From the great Centres of Light that exist in the higher dimensions of Earth they hold the vision of the Divine Plan for the unfoldment of life on Earth and with great love and dedication they work ceaselessly to ensure that this Plan unfolds within the greater perspective of the Universe to which we on Earth belong. Together they create a vast web of Light & Love around our planet that we can each connect with and contribute to when we focus with sincerity through our hearts. Ascended Masters are highly evolved beings, many of whom have incarnated on Earth over the ages bringing knowledge, wisdom & light to show us the way forward. T
Brand Crystal Herbs
Type Vibrational Essence
Formulation Spray