10 White Mammoth Organic Sunchoke / Jerusalem Artichoke - Helianthus tuberosus, over 1 pound.

These delicious and nutritious tubers are grown in sunny Colorado organically, without any added chemicals. These are the White Fuseau variety. White Fuseau is a highly productive variety with a sweet flavor, thin skin, and smooth, narrow blond tubers that are easy to clean. The tubers have a sweet, nutty flavor with a hint of artichoke. I cook these without peeling them.

Planting: Unless your soil is 100% frozen solid, you can plant them upon arrival. Plant them 3-4 inches deep, ideally with a cover of mulch. Leave about a foot of space between nodes. If you cannot plant them outside upon arrival, you can put them as packaged in your refrigerator. Or you can take them out, wrap them in tin foil, then a loose plastic bag (like a produce bag from the supermarket) and put them in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator until the ground warms up enough to dig into. 

They are slow to sprout in the spring - often not until mid May (in New Hampshire) - but they will grow quickly once they get started. 

These are best planted as early in the season as possible. These grow into lovely plants about 8 to 10 feet tall with hundreds of pretty, sunflower like blooms at the tail end of the season. Butterfly and pollinator magnets! The above ground plants are not frost hardy, but they will come back year after year unless you dig up all the tubers. Be careful where and how you plant them as they can spread!

The best time to order: October - November, April - May.

Facts about Sunchokes 

Sunchokes are the bulbous tubers of the plant known botanically as Helianthus tuberosus, a variety of sunflower. Sunchokes are also commonly known as Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, earth apple, and topinambour. The plant is propagated primarily for its root, which can be consumed both raw and cooked. Originally an American species, they were cultivated by Native Americans long before being introduced in Europe, and their high inulin content made them a traditional remedy for diabetes. 

Applications: Sunchokes can be used in place of potatoes in any recipe, though they have more moisture and no starch, so cooking times can differ. The tuber is said to be best when roasted or stewed, though it can be served raw in salads, baked like fries, boiled and mashed, or pureed into a soup. Serve raw sliced Sunchokes in a crudité with creamy or oily dips. Sunchokes will keep in the refrigerator for up to a month if wrapped in plastic.