This book was published by Harper & Brothers, 1930 is on the copyright page but it was actually published in 1948.  It has the code “C-X” on the copyright page, making this a 1st Printing.  This hardcover is 8-¼” high by 5-¾” wide, and it has 218 pages.

This book is in VG condition, there is light rubbing to the edges of the covers and there is a gift inscription on the front free-endpaper, otherwise this is a nice, clean copy.  The Dust Jacket has 3 short tears, some edge wear and rubbing, it has “The New 1948 Zane Grey Novel” sticker on the front panel, a small stain on the back panel and the price has been clipped.  The Dust Jacket is now in a removable, archival protective cover, the photos were taken before the cover was added.