Sand Marked with (F)
Course Sand - Eco-friendly designer sand! Go bold with accentuating colours or stay grounded with earth tones. Whichever your taste in design, has a colour for it. You'll enjoy mixing business with pleasure as you layer and design the foundation for the life within floral and candle arrangements, bridal events and weddings, showcasing and displays.  presents a colour palette you can play with. Features: Granule size allows for water filtration/drainage Safe and natural 39 eco-friendly colours Sprinkle, layer and design with aesthetic natural sand. Some colours consist of a blend of 2 or more tones.

The (F) sands have also been used for adding finishing touches to Bird Boxes on the Roofs,  Kitchen Sides under Sealer for a shimmer effect,  Sand Art Bottles,  Christening Memory Bottles for a Keepsake, Shop Windows.