PEDIGREE Small Dog Complete Nutrition Small Breed Adult Dry Dog Food Roasted


  • Contains one (1) 3.5 lb. bag of PEDIGREE Small Dog Complete Nutrition Adult Dry Dog Food Roasted Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Flavor
  • PEDIGREE Small Dog Dry Food features a delicious chicken and vegetable flavor that provides antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to help maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • PEDIGREE Food for Dogs features whole grains, protein, and accents of vegetables to help support digestion
  • Complete and balanced nutrition provides optimal levels of omega-6 fatty acid to nourish skin, and help keep your small dogs coat shiny and healthy
  • Proudly made in the USA with the world’s finest ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors, and no added sugar
  • Small pieces for small mouths


Even little dogs need a large amount of nutrition. That's why every bag of PEDIGREE Small Dog Roasted Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Flavor Dry Dog Food has the vitamins and minerals small breed dogs need to be healthy and happy. Made with high quality whole grains, protein and omega-6 fatty acids, PEDIGREE Small Dog Food helps your canine look and feel their best. Best of all, our oral care kibble gently cleans their teeth with every bite. Now with no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors, and no added sugar.


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Should you need to return your purchase, we allow returns that are processed within 30 days of receipt of the order. Please contact us for a return authorization and the return shipping address.