Muira Puama Extract

Health Benefits Of Muira Puama:

Improves sexual weakness: Muira puanm is very effective in improving erectile dysfunction, libido count, and penile hardness in men. muira extract acts as a nerve stimulant and heightens the sexual stimuli. Also, the rich amount of sterols in muira puama extract. increases the production of testosterone and enhance performance.

Relieving stress: Muira puama extract  has effective anti-stress agents, which help to combat chronic stress. It also possesses adaptogen property, which is effective during stressful periods.

Improves brain health: The roots extract of Muira puama are used as traditional remedies to treat the ailments of the brain and central nervous system. The antioxidant property of Muira puama extract reduces the production of free radicals in the hypothalamus; hencepreventing the damage to the brain by oxidative stress

Prevents degenerative diseases:Muira Puama has promnesic and anti-amnesic properties which are effective against treating cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. It improves the levels of BDNF, a protein that stimulates the growth of new neurons and reduces the Aβ deposits which is the main component in the brains of people with Alzheimer's.

Improves premenstrual syndrome: Muira Puama contains a total of eight compounds that strongly mimic oestrogen. It helps to treat the stressful periods, neuromuscular problems, stress, mood swings, menstrual cramps, and weakness.

Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplements. Pregnant or lactating women, people with existing medical conditions, or people taking medications should consult their health care provider/s before taking any dietary supplement. If you experience any adverse condition after taking this dietary supplement, discontinue use immediately and consult your health care provider.

Keep out of reach of children.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.