Hong Kong Regiment 1948 Gilt Officers Gilt Button,by Firmin, London, 25 mm. This is an obsolete 1948 pattern original Hong Kong Regiment button, in gilt metal, of comparatively heavy construction with a rolled finish to rear. A King George the Sixth GVIR cypher surrounded by the force title, surmounted by a Kings Crown. It measures 25 mm with a lug fitting to the reverse.  

The Hong Kong Regiment has had a number of manifestations - 1854 - Hong Kong Volunteers when the Crimean War led to a reduction of the British military presence in Hong Kong. To help bolster the defenses at a time when marauding pirates were still a hazard on the China coast local volunteers were called for. A total of 9 9 Europeans. 1854 – disbanded, the volunteers disbanded when stability in Europe 1862 - Hong Kong Volunteers , the Volunteers are regrouped, In 1864, they were called out to help subdue a serious outbreak of rioting between British and Indian soldiers 1866 – disbanded. The second period in arms lasted only another four years; enthusiasm again diminished with the return to more settled times. 1878 - Hong Kong Artillery and Rifle Volunteer Corps , they were raised again as the Artillery Volunteers and since that time a volunteer force were permanently in existence in colonial Hong Kong 1917 - Hong Kong Defence Corps , were actively engaged in guard and patrol duties during World War I when, owing to the recall of the British forces, they were the only military unit left in Hong Kong. 1920 - Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps. In 1933, they acquired their first armoured car. These played an important role in the Battle for Hong Kong in December 1941 . 1941 - Hong Kong captured by the Japanese. The force met their severest test in the bitter fighting that took place in the crucial weeks before the fall of Hong Kong on Christmas Day. Out of the mobilised strength of 2 200 of all ranks, 289 were listed either as missing or killed, and many others became prisoners of war. Some, however, made their way into China where the British Army Aid Group was formed to assist the Chinese Government in the struggle against the Japanese. A further group made its way to Burma where it joined the famed Chindits under General Orde Wingate. The services of the defence corps were later recognised by the award of 19 decorations and 18 mentions in despatches for gallantry and good service. 1949 Hong Kong Regiment was reorganized and became part of the Hong Kong Defence Force, which also included separate air and naval units. 

1854年5月,香港唯一的本地军团成立,为义勇军(The Hong Kong Volunteers,HKV)。由于克里米亚战争,驻港皇家海军需要短暂离港,前往欧洲的战场服役,无暇兼顾活跃于大鹏湾、伶仃洋,以至南中国海一带的海盗。导致驻港英军人数大减。故政府征召本地志愿人士组织义勇军,当时有99名欧籍港人自愿应征入伍协助防卫香港,以巩固防务。
1878年,义勇军以炮兵义勇军(The Hong Kong Artillery and Rifle Volunteer Corps ,HKARVC)名义成立。
1920年,炮兵义勇军改称为香港防卫队(The Hong Kong Defence Force,HKDF)。新的《志愿军法例》,除了包括一般抵御外敌的条文外,还加入了协助警察和正规军部队应付内乱的一项。
1941年12月,动员2200名各级团员参加香港保卫战,合计有289名团员阵亡或失踪。香港守军于1941年12月25日中奉命投降,在赤柱驻防的香港防卫队初时拒绝投降,亦于12月26日奉命投降。投降后,一批团员前往缅甸,组成香港义勇军连(The Hong Kong Volunteer Company,HKVC)参加缅甸远征军特种部队(Chindits),继续作战。更有一些团员前往中国组成,英军服务团(The British Army Aid Group,BAAG)协助中国政府与日军作战。
1949年,香港防卫队改组为香港军团(The Hong Kong Regiment,HKR),成为香港义勇防卫军(The Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps ,HKVDC)的一部份,香港义勇防卫军辖下亦另有空军及海军单位。

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