DUKE MEN'S BASKETBALL YEARBOOK 1991-92,  Laettner, Mike Krzyzewski, Hurley, Hill

Hardcover book in very good, very clean condition. Very clean text. See photos for the Table of Contents.

DUKE MEN'S BASKETBALL YEARBOOK 1991-92 was published in 1991. Unpaginated. A Duke University 1985-86 map of the campus and parking areas has been laid in.

$5.00 domestic shipping. International shipping at cost. Please email with any questions.

The 1991–92 Duke Blue Devils men's basketball team was a Division I college basketball team that competed in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Led by All-American Christian Laettner and Grant Hill, Duke won its 2nd national championship in as many years to become the first repeating team since UCLA's seven-year dynasty from 1967 to 1973. The feat would not be accomplished again in college basketball until the Florida Gators did it in 2007.