1 Cup Azolla (duckweed fern, fairy moss) For KOI pond

Common names: Super-Plant, Mosquito Fern, Duckweed Fern, Fairy Moss, and Water Fern

For KIO ponds and Fish tanks.

These little plants are nitrogen-fixing, and used as companion planting with rice paddies for over a 1000 years in China.

Good as a extra food source for livestock and chickens

Azolla is also used as a bio-fertilizer.

In warm water, this plant can DOUBLE in size in a few weeks.  I read online that its 3 - 4 days, but I have found its more like 2 weeks depending on the size of the tank you have it in.

If you are not happy. Full refund or replacement. Your choice. No need to ship anything back.