New Bunn 3.0L Brew-Thru Lever Action Insulated Coffee Airpot
Manufacturer: BUNN
Condition: New

Product Overview:

The Bunn 3L Lever Action Airpot is an office space workhorse with action packed features! Is it bullet-proof, you ask? We haven't tested it, but we'd like to think so.

Some have gone as far as to call it "unbreakable" (seriously), but someone also said that about the Titanic so maybe take that with a grain of salt. Whether it would hold its own against an iceberg - we may never know. But we can verify that it is durable, insulated, and compatible with virtually all commercial airpot brewers.

Its brew-through stem will save you the messy step of transferring brewed coffee from one vessel to another, because you can brew directly into this Lever Action Airpot. Capable of holding three liters of consistently hot coffee for hours on end, this Bunn 3L Lever Action Airpot will keep you caffeinated and ready to face any obstacle you might unearth throughout the day.


  • Very Convenient - Brew-thru stem allows for brewing directly in to transportable insulated carafe.
  • Tough and Durable - It may only be 14 inches tall, but this guy is fierce. Built to last and maintain a hot internal temp in spite of possible cool surroundings.
  • Large Size - Although the Bunn carafe is available in multiple sizes, the three liter version is a great option for providing good coffee to a room full of people.


Model Number32130.0000
Width7.00 inches
Depth9.25 inches
Height14.25 inches
Product Weight (lbs.)5.0000
MaterialStainless Steel