680 grams

Is an inorganic salt with a chemical formula of K N O 3. It is a natural source of nitrat and has been used as a constituent for several different purposes, including fertilizers.

Deficiency Symptoms: interveinal chlorosis of older leaves, crippled new leaves, slow/stopped plant growth

  • KNO3 13.7-0-46
  • Total Nitrogen(N) - 13.7%
  • 13.7% Nitrate Nitrogen
  • Soluble Potash(K2O) - 46%

Learn everything you need to know about aquarium plant fertilizer, plant nutrients, optimal nutrient levels, and diy fertilizer dosing methods: Dry Fertilizer Calculator and Fertilizing Methods

Expect an increase of 1ppm NO3 per every 62 milligrams (equivalent to less than 1/64 tsp) KNO3 added to your 10gal aquarium to yield:

  • NO3 1ppm
  • N 0.23ppm
  • K 0.63ppm