I have had a passion for Roman History for many years, to the point of buying reenactment helmets, uniform, swords etc.   About 25 years ago, i inherited my uncles small collection as he collected bits and pieces but never really got into it to the point of researching etc.  When i received his "bag of artifacts", i began my research.  I bought every book i could to research all of these bits and pieces.  I cleaned the "uncleaned" bag of coins he had- i identified what i could and put the rest in baggies for a later date....which never came.  Years later, life/military/moving/ got in the way.  I bought a few pieces myself 20 years ago, a few Denarius, Marc Antony coins, then bought another in 2010 ( which is when i stopped doing any more research due to military/moving/life)- i labeled each item i could identify at the time, spent many hours digging, reading etc.  Long story short, it's no longer my passion to research all this- while i still have a love for it..i don't have the time to continue researching the items left in the bag that i never got to, which appear to be many straps/buckles/belt tips/mounts and more... The bag of "good" coins that are identifiable, i never finished either.  I even bought a microscope for doing it but didn't finish...my busy career got in the way.  It's Always something.  My hope is that someone who appreciates the history of all of this will like to have this collection and finish the research.   That might be a hard request, i understand totally as people don't seem to appreciate history like some of us who are older do.    

  I know the 31BC Actium coins are the most valuable here in this bundle so, if you want to see pics of anything individually, you'll have to message me and i will take more pics and send privately.  There's a lot of stuff here.  Hope you can read my labels.  You'll have every good research tool included in these amazing books.  

Ask questions...i'm not an expert at all, just a woman who loved all things "Roman"  :)

price is neg just a little...make reasonable offers if you like roman coins and artifacts..

I think there's about 100 items and 100 or so coinage..I have not looked at most of the coins under a scope..some are clearly not identifiable but many are..