Febreze Car with Odourclear technology continuosuly cleans away tough lingering odours from your Car, leaving a light fresh scent up to 30 days. Blossom & Breeze fragrance is inspired by the freshness of delicate soft petals. Unlike most car fresheners that mostly mask with fragrance, Febreze Car Freshner truly cleans away odours, leaving nothing but a delightful fresh scent in your car. It is a small, discreet air freshener device that simply clips to your car air vent and thanks to its new and unique Odourclear technology it cleans away odours and freshens your car even from the toughest odours, such as food, pets, smoke or trash. You can even control the intensity of the scent by adjusting the dial on the side.

Febreze Car is easy to use, it doesn't need any battery or electricity, and lasts up to 30 days, so you and your guests can breathe happy. Try the full range of new Febreze products with the unique Odourclear technology, such as Febreze Fabric Refresher to remove odours from the fabrics of your car, or Febreze Air Freshener and Small Spaces for your home. Also try Febreze with Ambi Pur 3volution Plugs, for continuous odour elimination up to 90 days. 

Twin pack (2x2ml)