Product Description

Stop Digging Dogs

Natural Digging Dog Deterrent

Stop Dogs and Cats from Digging

Long Lasting

Pleasant Scent

Why Do Dogs Dig?


As much as dogs love you (maybe cats love us too), some have a natural instinct to run away


A dog and cat's life can be boring so digging holes gives them something to do

Attention, Comfort and Protection

Believe it or not, pets crave our attention and by digging holes or causing a ruckus, they feel they can get your attention, good or bad.

In the heat of the summer, pets like to be cool and when they dig a hole and lay in it, they feel cool and protected


The origins of dogs and cats are wild and wild animals had to feed themselves and their young. So, instinct to hunt and dig for food is real...even if you feed them the best food.

Zone Protects No Holes! Digging Dog Prevention Products

No Holes Gallon with Trigger Sprayer

Zone No Holes! Digging Dog Prevention. Gallon with high quality trigger sprayer for 2000 sq.ft. of coverage.

No Holes 32oz Trigger Sprayer

Zone No Holes! Digging Dog Prevention. 32oz Trigger Sprayer for 500 sq.ft. of coverage.

No Holes Concentrate

No Holes Digging Dog Prevention Concentrate. Save money and make TWO gallons (two-gallon garden sprayer required). Up to 4000 sq. ft. of coverage

No Holes Gallon/Concentrate Bundle

Gallon with Trigger Sprayer plus No Holes Digging Dog Prevention Concentrate. Save money and make TWO gallons Up to 4000 sq. ft. of coverage.

The Zone No Holes Digging Dog Prevention STORY

The founder of Zone Protects, Brian, is a chemical engineer. Years ago, while working in West Texas, he was visiting a friend's house. While sitting on the back porch, they observed his friend's lab digging and destroying the flower bed. Brian commented that he could design a formula that would prevent the destruction.

Since the first application was a flower bed, Brian decided to create a liquid formula and then soak wood chips (mulch) in the formula. He would call it No Holes Bark (funny, right?). They tested it and it worked! But, the process of soaking the mulch in the solution, drying and applying it proved to be very difficult.

Fast forward to 2017 when Zone Protects was established and Brian's bark product became Zone Protects No Holes Digging Dog Prevention Spray!

And now you know...the rest of the story!