In your hands is the new coloured edition of Fazail e amaal, beautifully printed and presented in a 2 colour format with a fresh typesetting. Must have for every home.

About The Book


Muslim Degeneration and its remedy: By Mohammad Ehtesham Al-Hasan.
Six Fundamentals By Maulana Aashiq Ilaahi
Total of 8 Books bound in One:

The renowned work by the great scholar of Hadith of India is in no need of an introduction. 

· Stories of The Sahaabah: 

· Virtues of The Holy Qur'aan: 

· Virtues of Salaat: 

· Virtues of Zikr: 

· Virtues of Tabligh: 

· Virtues of Ramadhaan: 

· Muslim Degeneration and its only remedy: (By Mohammad Ehtesham Al-Hasan)

· Six Fundamentals (By Maulana Aashiq Ilaahi) and 

· Glossary

Contents of Each Book as Follows:

Stories of The Sahabah: 

· 1.Forward. 

· 2.Steadfastness in face of hardships. 

· 3.Fear of Allah. 

· 4.Abstinence and self-denial of the Sahabah. 

· 5.Piety and Scrupulousness. 

· 6.Devotion to Salaat. 

· 7.Sympathy and self-sacrifice. 

· 8.Valour and Heroism. 

· 9.Zeal for Knowlege. 

· 10.Pleasing the Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wa salam). 

· 11.The Women's Courage and spirit for Islam. 

· 12.The Children's Devotion for Islam. 

· 13.Love for the Prophet. 

Virtues of The Holy Qur'an: 

· 1.Forward. 

· 2.Forty Ahadith (1-8) 

· 3.Forty Ahadith (9-16) 

· 4.Forty Ahadith (17-24) 

· 5.Forty Ahadith (25-32) 

· 6.Forty Ahadith (33-40) 

· 7.Concluding Section (Part 2) 

· 8. Final Note (Part 3) 

· 9. Complimentary Note (Part 4) 

Virtues of Salaat: 

· 1. The Rewards of Salaat. 

· 2. Warning and Reproach for Neglecting Salaah. 

· 3. Rewards of Jamaah. 

· 4. Reproach on Giving up of Jamaah. 

· 5. Importance of Humility and Devotion in Salaah. 

· 6. A Few Stories from the Lives of the Pious. 

· 7. Quotation from Hadith. 

· 8. The recommendations of the pious. 

Virtues of Dhikr: 

· 1. Forward. 

· 2. Quranic Verses Related to Dhikr. 

· 3. AHAADITH OF Dhikr (1-12). 

· 4. AHAADITH OF Dhikr (13-20). 

· 5. Kalimah Tayyibah. 

· 6. Virtues of the Third Kailmah. 

Virtues of Tabligh: 

· 1. Forward. 

· 2. Aayaat of the Quran Concerning Tabligh. 

· 3. Sayings of Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) concerning Tabligh. 

· 4. Practice What You Preach. 

· 5. Importance of Ikram in Tabligh. 

· 6. Importance of Sincerity in Tabligh. 

· 7. Respect for Learning and the Learned in Islam. 

· 8. Keeping Company with the People of Zikr. 

Virtues of Ramadhan: 

· 1. Introduction. 

· 2. Virtues of Ramadhan. 

· 3. Laylatul Qadr. 

· 4. Itikaaf. 

Muslim Degeneration and its remedy: By Mohammad Ehtesham Al-Hasan. 

· 1. Introduction. 

· 2. Past History. 

· 3. Diagnosis. 

· 4. Causes. 

· 5. Solution. 

· 6. Procedure.

Six Fundamentals (Chhey Baatein) By Maulana Aashiq Ilaahi and 


About The Author

He was born in the village of Kaandhla (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 1315 AH (1898 CE).

His full name was Muhammad Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Yahya ibn Muhammad Isma‘il, and his lineage continues all the way back to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), the great Companion of the Messenger (upon him be peace).

He spent 55 years teaching Ahaadith. of which 45 years were spent in teaching Bukhari Sharif.As an author he wrote many important books. Awjazul-Masaalik, commentary of Muatta Imam Malik in fifteen volumes and La’miud-Dirari, commentary of Sahih-al-Bukhari, consisting of over ten volumes. He has also written a compilation of books on virtues in various different subjects.

In the last century, India has undoubtedly become an important center for the study of hadith, and the scholars of India have become well-known for their passion for religious knowledge. Upon them ended the era of leadership in teaching hadiths, codification of the special fields (funun) of hadith, and commentary upon its texts (mutun). 

He was given the honorary title of Shaykh al-Hadith, or “Great Scholar of Hadith,” by his teacher, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who recognized his deep insight, clear-sightedness, and extensive knowledge of hadith and related sciences. 

Maulana Zakariyya Died in 1402 AH (1982).
