Red's Pikachu 270/SM-P PROMO
🎴 Card Condition

Every ungraded card in our store meets the Near-Mint (NM) or better standard. Many are MINT or better. The included photo(s), a sample from our inventory, offers insight into the card's quality. For a broader perspective, consider checking other ungraded cards in our collection. Due to our extensive inventory, variations in condition will exist between identical cards. Before making a purchase, we advise you to research card condition grades to fully understand the implications of the NM designation and others.

📷 Premium Card Photos

For cards valued at $100 or more, the photo in the listing showcases the exact card you'll be receiving. We urge buyers to inspect the photo carefully before purchasing to ensure satisfaction. This approach ensures complete transparency and no surprises upon its arrival. Additionally, once such a card is sold and subsequently relisted, new photos will be taken and uploaded to represent the next available card.

🛡 Secure Packaging

Your card's secure arrival is our priority. It's first encased in a penny sleeve, then tucked securely into a top loader to prevent folding or bending damage. It is then protected with a team bag, and as a final protective step, the well-packaged card is nestled between two sturdy cardboard sheets, ensuring it withstands the rigours of transit. While post-dispatch events are beyond our control, we take every precautionary measure within our capacity to ensure it reaches you in the expected state.

💌 Postage

Orders under $10: Sent in an untracked envelope.
Orders $10 or more: Upgraded for free to AusPost tracked envelope.
Purchasing multiple items? Combined to save on shipping.
International & parcel postage options? Please refer to the "Postage, returns and payments" tab for more details.

❓ Questions?

If you have any inquiries or need further clarification, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to assist you!