PTOLEMAIC EGYPT. Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC). AR stater or tetradrachm (27mm, 11h). 
Svoronos 1457.

Obverse: Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, aegis tied around neck; dotted border
Reverse: ΠTOΛEMAIOY-BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt; L KE (date) in left field, ΣA behind, dotted border. 


Ptolemy VI, the eldest son of King Ptolemy V and Queen Cleopatra I, came to the throne aged six when his father died in 180 BC. Ptolemy VI Philometor (186–145 BC) was a Greek king of Ptolemaic Egypt who reigned from 180 to 164 BC and from 163 to 145 BC. He is often considered the last ruler of ancient Egypt when that state was still a major power.