Chinese painting Beijing Palace Museum Pingfu Tie (平復帖)by Lu Ji, Jin Dynasty

242mm x 3745 mm

Beijing Palace Museum


Lu Ji (261–303), courtesy name Shiheng, was a Chinese essayist, military general, politician, and writer who lived during the late Three Kingdoms period and Jin dynasty of China. He was the fourth son of Lu Kang, a general of the state of Eastern Wu in the Three Kingdoms period, and a grandson of Lu Xun, a prominent general and statesman who served as the third Imperial Chancellor of Eastern Wu.


Lu Ji was related to the imperial family of the state of Eastern Wu. He was the fourth son of the general Lu Kang, who was a maternal grandson of Sun Ce, the elder brother and predecessor of Eastern Wu's founding emperor, Sun Quan. His paternal grandfather, Lu Xun, was a prominent general and statesman who served as the third Imperial Chancellor of Eastern Wu. After the Jin dynasty conquered Eastern Wu in 280 and killed two of his brothers, Lu Ji, along with his brother Lu Yun, fled to Hua Ting in exile. While in exile, Lu wrote Dialectic of Destruction on the fall of the Wu empire. In 290, Lu and his brother moved to the Jin imperial capital, Luoyang. He served as a writer under the Jin government and was appointed president of the imperial academy. In 296, he was appointed a military position.Lu's army suffered major casualties in a battle against Sima Ai in November 303 as part of the War of the Eight Princes. Shortly thereafter, Lu, his sons, and his two brothers were charged with treason and executed.


Pingfu Tie (平復帖) by Lu Ji, Palace Museum collection

Lu Ji wrote much lyric poetry but is better known for writing fu, a mixture of prose and poetry. He is best remembered for the Wen fu (文賦; On Literature), a piece of literary criticism that discourses on the principles of composition. Achilles Fang commented:

The Wen-fu is considered one of the most articulate treatises on Chinese poetics. The extent of its influence in Chinese literary history is equaled only by that of the sixth-century The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons of Liu Hsieh. In the original, the Wen-fu is rhymed, but does not employ regular rhythmic patterns: hence the term "rhymeprose."


English translations of the Wen fu were done by E.R. Hughes and Achilles Fang. Chen Shixiang translated Wen fu into verse because, although the piece was rightly called the beginning of Chinese literary criticism, Lu Ji wrote it as poetry.Poets who have been influenced by Lu's Wen fu include Ezra Pound, Gary Snyder, Howard Nemirov, Eleanor Wilner, and Carolyn Kizer.


Lu Ji is also the writer of the oldest extant work of Chinese calligraphy, a short letter to his friends that has been named the Pingfutie (Consoling Letter).


故宮博物院(こきゅうはくぶついん) 蔵図  『平復帖』中国西晋 陸機書

242mm x 3745 mm



























中国の書論中での陸機の書の評価は特に優秀というほどではない。たとえば、王僧虔の『論書』には、「彼は呉の国の人なので、その書の良否を比較するものがない。」としかなく、庾肩吾の『書品』では、「中下品」(18人)に入り、李嗣真の『書後品』では、「下上品」(13人)にランクされている(中国の書論#書人ランク一覧 (書後品)を参照)。これについて比田井南谷は、「筆意が素朴で高い響きをもっていると思われる。その点から考えると、古人の批評より高く評価すべきであろう。」と述べている。­­