DESCRIPTION:  Made in India Shipped from Canada
One Rose quartz Pendant 6 sides Natural Stone silver colour Reiki Healing Amulet.     This heart healer has been associated with various physical and emotional benefits. On the physical level, Rose Quartz is believed to prevent thrombosis and heart attacks, improve the circulatory system, and stimulate the heart. It’s also known to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle, lessen menstrual cramps and PMS, thereby improving sexual health. On the emotional front, Rose Quartz is renowned for restoring trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love, and promoting feelings of peace. It’s also one of the most popular stones for emotional healing and growth. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or simply kept in one’s vicinity, the soothing energy of Rose Quartz can offer a gentle and reassuring presence, making it a valuable ally on one’s journey toward self-love and inner peace.
One of the key benefits of Rose Quartz is its strong connection with the heart chakra, which is considered the center of love. By opening and healing your heart center, Rose Quartz can guide you towards nurturing emotional wounds back into health and fostering self-love.