Babies bib

Designed and Made from our Studio in Leicestershire – this means we can personalised most of our items to what you want. OR we can print this design, onto our other products (check out the rest of our shop, we do LOADS - )

Every item is designed and made with love.

This item can be washed, however we would recommend line drying, to prolong it's life!

If this items isn’t quite what you’re looking for, why don’t you take a look at the rest of our shop –

If you want to change this item, or you don't see quite what you're looking for, send us a message, we're always happy to help, and happy to do new designs!

Personalised items don't take ANY extra time to make, then unpersonalised items. All items are made to order, whether they're personalised or not.

If you want this item to be gift wrapped, click this link and add this item to your basket along with your purchase -