Toy Football set with plastic figures, toys from childhood in late 60's or early 70's. Marx. Cool set. Some painted by myself as a kid including Eagles (#82), Vikings (# 88 Karl Eller), Dolphins (#22 Mercury Morris), Cowboys (#32), Raiders (#55), Bears (#51 Dick Butkus), one painted White #66). Not the greatest paint job but I was like 8 years old, give me a break, can be repainted. Paint them and the rest your favorite players, maybe modern.
12 Red guys.
11 yellow guys.
1 Quarterback who passes and kicks (springs are fine). I just found the 2 Styrophone footballs (not pictured), they work for the Quarterback to pass and kick field goals. 
1 Runner base, white, winds up and runs, not as fast as it used to be but that shouldn't matter because the stationary guys aren't that fast either.
1 Goal Post is fine, the other has 1 broken post. (Revised 11/29/23: I just found the other white post to the other goal post, it's fine now pictured here). I'm sure yo can just glue the goal posts in and they'll be fine. 
1 Plastic field with markings, can be evened out.
2 metal stands on wheels (for moving players) pictured.
1 plastic 10 yard first down marker, pictured.

I guess I was going for a Pro-Bowl. Got married so I need more closet space. Combined shipping available.