For your consideration a vintage 1969 Hasbro ASTRO-SOUND ROVER set, complete in box with model number 5815. This original Astro-Sound toy features talking capabilities accessed by running the rover down the track where a playback needle will catch one of the varied grooves and play back a message. The track will play a total of 12 possible messages depending on where the needle is ultimately placed. It was lightly used by me and the only thing I see missing is the foam pad that fits under the rover to protect the needle (it may have disintegrated over time) and it should be noted that one of the corners of the bottom box has separated due to age. The set also includes the original directions for the toy which will provide even more description (included in profile pictures). Please take a look at the pictures and make your assessment of condition. 

It is an interesting example of a space themed toy to correspond with the moon landings back in 1969.