Neonate Babies fosters the joy in care taking. While rocketing through space from their home planet of Neonatopia, a group of Neonate Babies crash landed on earth after a scuffle broke out over the ships controls. Neonate Babies come from Neonatopia in a limitless variety of species, each with their own unique characteristics; and in various age stages of development. But first and foremost they are babies...and these babies are alive in the eyes of their Neoparents.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

Chamoy & Amiguis

Chamoy & Amiguis celebrates the joy in friendship. Chamoy and her BFFs Tinga and Moley first met at school – The Perpetual Insomnious Academy. Chamoy and her circle of Amiguis quickly grew – naturally drawn to one another, not only by their similarities, but by their unique differences.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

Chiquity Boom Town

Chiquity Boom Town brings to life the joy in magic. It is a magical land that exists both nowhere and everywhere. For all magical beings, it is both the source of their magic and the place they call home. Both the Alushhhes and Cheekie Fairies come from Chiquity Boom Town, through the magic Doorminator, to share their magic with Chamoy & Amiguis.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

Meet the best Amigui gang!!! Chamoy and her Amiguis Tinga, Moley and Berinice met at the Perpetual Insomnious Academy and became best friends since. They are 102% inseparable. As we say: Always together, best friends forever!!!

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis


She's such an animal lover. Do you know she can communicate with them???


She is incredibly intelligent and has a very advanced and peculiar vocabulary.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis


They are twins and are Chamoy’s siblings. They love to be together and are never apart.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis


She is a Symphony of Joy and has a musical ear. Is a lover of ice-cream.


She has the best style and gives fashion tips to her Amiguis.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

High couture for grandiloquent and elegant kids like Chamoy & Amiguis.

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

In favor of fashion!!!

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

Change them every season of the year!!!

Distroller, Neonate Babies,Distroller Neonate Babies, Nerlie Neonate Babies, Chamoy & Amiguis

And also high couture for little buddies.