Generator dymu Borniak GDS-01  ze stali nierdzewnej do wędzarni DIY. UK plug

W zestawie otrzymujesz 2 paczki zrębków Borniak Gratis

2 lata gwarancji - wysoka jakość dymogeneratora. 

Wysyłka z magazynu w Poole

Generator dymu wykonany ze stali nierdzewnej przeznaczony do wędzarni. Aromatyczny dym uzyskiwany jest w wyniku spalania zrębków wędzarniczych. Konstrukcja modelu GDS-01 składa się z pojemnika na zrębki zamykanego klapą, podajnika ze spiralą i elektrycznego elementu grzewczego załączanego przyciskiem umieszczonym na obudowie. W dolnej części znajduje się przesłona dostępu powietrza z możliwością regulacji. Po jednym zasypaniu komory o pojemności 2 l, dym jest generowany do 8 godzin bez konieczności ponownego napełniania pojemnika. Generator dymu jest kompatybilny z produktami marki Borniak oraz innymi komorami z odpowiednim mocowaniem o pojemności do 200 l.

Dane techniczne

This listing is for smoke generator made of stainless steel + 2 packs of wood chips FREE

You can start smoking meats straight away. 

The smoke generator has a decisive influence on the success of smoking – it ensures an even operation manifested in the uniform combustion of the supplied wood chips. Such conditions guarantee the best natural products – aromatic, rich in taste and eye-catching colour.

They say that there is no smoke without a fire… we have a different opinion. Smoke chips that travel through spiral are not burned with a flame but by appropriate temperature, which allows extracting smoke from them – this ensures that food will not be blackened.

Full filling reservoir with chips allows you to smoked most products without adding chips during the process.

The smoke generator was created to be used with the Borniak smoker, but it can be used with other devices, as long as they have the appropriate fixing. The device works with chambers with a capacity of up to 200L, it means it will produce enough smoke to fill the 200 litres chamber and smoke food properly. 

Product code
External dimensions (Length x Width x Height)
180mm x 355mm x 250mm
Made from
Stainless Steel
115 Watt
Reservoir capacity
2 Litres

1.8 kg / 4 Lbs


Smoke Generator features: 


➡️ Capacity

The generator’s reservoir is so capacious that after filling it with woodchips it produces smoke for up to 8 hours.

In addition, wood chips can be easily covered with a lid on top of the generator.

➡️ Safety

Heater Shield prevents condensate from your products from getting on smouldering chips.

➡️ Control

Air holes are used to regulate the amount of air supplied to the smoker chamber.

➡️ Temperature

The heating element has been designed so that smouldering wood chips give the best taste qualities to your smoked meats. No flame means no blackened meats and unhealthy substances.

Check out our other smoking items 😉

 100% Natural Wood Chips sourced from the cleanest Polish Woods

✅ Electric Automatic Food Smokers Range


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