Geneve: Pierre Chouët, 1653. VIN(g)T SERMONS de Jean Daillé sur divers textes de l'écriture, prononcés à Charenton en des jours de Cene, & en quelques autres occasions Extraordinaires- by Jean Daillé [Dallaeus] (1594-1670)- Pierre Chouët- Geneve- 1653.-1st Edition- BOUND with: SERMON DE JEAN DAILLE Sur La Premiere aux Corintiens XI, vers. 32. Prononce a Charenton le dimanche 28. de Juillet 1652- Lovis Vendosme-Paris- 1653- 1st Edition and BOUND with: SERMON DE JEAN DAILLE sur les paroles de S. Pietre, dans sa premiere Epitre, ch.3v.18. Prononce a Charenton, le 30 jour de Novembre 1663- Samuel Perrier- Charenton- 1664- 1st Edition- In Good antiquarian condition-8vo- full 16th century vellum with yap edges- newer type endpapers and first blank and end blank-Ex-libris from BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA with 2 oval deascensioned and 'duplicato', but verification with the Vatican on-line library shows that they no longer have a second copy available-Only 3 World Cat and Copac library holdings, and NONE in this format bound with the Corintiens (Corinthians) and S. Pietre (St. Peter)- 1-4, [5-8], Table de Sermons-1-800, errata, Sermon de Jean Daille -Corintiens: 1-36pp, blank, Sermon de Jean Daille-S. Pietre: 1-39, blank.- Signatures: *8 A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, AAa-DDd8, Ai8-Bi8,Ciiii, Ai8-Bi8,Ciiii. Complete. Pages are lightly foxed, couple of nicks not affecting text-some hand marginalia, some printed. Woodcut vignettes on all three title pages. Pre chapter/sermon woodcut letter. SEE PHOTOS- More photos available on request.- Jean Daillé [Dallaeus] -He was born at Châtellerault and educated at Poitiers and Saumur. From 1612 to 1621 he was tutor to two of the grandsons of Philippe de Mornay, sieur du Plessis Marly. Ordained to the ministry in 1623, he was for some time private chaplain to Du Plessis Mornay, whose memoirs he subsequently wrote. In 1625 Daillé was appointed minister of the church of Saumur, and in 1626 was chosen by the Paris consistory to be minister of the church of Charenton. Works:- Of his works, which are principally controversial, the best known is the treatise Du vrai emploi des Pres (1631), translated into English by Thomas Smith under the title A Treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers (1651). The work attacks those who made the authority of the Fathers conclusive on matters of faith and practice. Daillé contends that the text of the Fathers is often corrupt, and that even when it is correct their reasoning is often illogical. In his Sermons on the Philippians and Colossians, Daillé vindicated his claim to rank as a great preacher as well as an able controversialist. He was president of the last national synod held in France, which met at Loudun in 1659 (HM Baird, The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1895, i. pp. 412 if.), when, as in the Apologie des Synodes d'Alençon et de Charenton (1655), he defended the hypothetical universalism of Moses Amyraut. He wrote also Apologie pour les Eglises Réformes and La foi fondée sur les Saintes Écritures. His life was written by his son Adrien, who retired to Zürich at the revocation of the edict of Nantes. Vingt sermons Author: Jean Daille´- Publisher: A Geneve : P. Chouet, 1653. Edition/Format: Book : French OCLC Number: 491693513 Description: 800 p. : pie`ces lim. n. ch. + errata n. ch. Responsibility: de Jean Daille´ sur divers textes de l'Ecriture, prononce´s a` Charenton en des jours de Ce`ne....Sermon de Jean Daille sur la premiere aux Corintiens XI. vers. 32. : prononce´ a` Charenton le dimanche 28. de juillet 1652. Author: Jean Daille´; Louis Vendosme-Publisher: Charenton : Paris : Louis Vendosme, 1653. Edition/Format: Book : French OCLC Number: 244004590 Notes: Signatures: A8-B8, C². Description: 36 p. ; 18 cm. Other Titles: Sermon de Iean Daille svr la premiere aux Corintiens XI. vers. 32, Sermon de Jean Daille sur la premiere aux Corintiens 11 vers. 32, Sermon sur la I. Cor. XI. vers. 32- Sermon on S. Pietre none available in World Cat nor Copac.- This volume in this format is Very Rare-3 1st Editions bound together- Non-fiction-religion-bible-sermons-Daillé (3577) . Association Copy. 1st Edition. Vellum. Good/No Jacket as Issued. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall.