Stainless Steel Shaving Brush Badger/ Synthetic Hair Brushes for Mens Best Shave

A major benefit of this hair is that is dries almost immediately after rinsing and flicking it two or three times. Your  travel shaving brush will not suffer the curse of travel shaving brushes which is mildew caused by dampness.

They are extremely soft, durable and fast drying. 

This travel shaving brush comes in a 3-piece container which also acts as the handle for the brush. The brush fits perfectly into the handle to protect it when travelling.  travel shaving brush handle is made from nickel plated brass, which means it is extremely durable, protects the hairs whilst travelling, and looks fantastic!

When assembled the brush reaches a height of 130 mm, un-assembled 83 mm and weighs only 95 g, making it perfect for fitting into your wash bag when travelling.