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Hand Made Scrubbing Herbal Soap (Saffron & Sandalwood)


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This is exclusively handmade herbal soap and trusted product by Srilanka.

  • Herbal Ingredients : Saffron, Sandalwood, Rose Water, Bees Wax, Lemon Extract, Almond Oil, Pure Coconut Oil.

  • Other Ingredients: Sodium Hydroxide, Water, Glycerin, Essential oils, Permitted color.

  • No added animal fat, Chemicals.

  • Net Weight: Approximately 80g 

  • Manufacturing Method : Handmade.

  • TFM = 68 %

  • PH = 9.6



Ingredients: Saffron


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Saffron Soap, and how Saffron is good for skin health

Taking care of your skin is very important not just because skin affects our physical appearance, but because the condition of this organ affects our overall health. While it’s true that there are many commercial cosmetic skin care products in the market, it is also true that most of them contain artificial and processed ingredients that can cause side effects. If you want to stay safe and take good care of your skin at the same time, choose a natural approach. In the last few years, more and more people are interested in using saffron soap for skin health.

The benefits of using saffron soap 

As the name suggests, saffron soap is a type of soap based on saffron. This spice is getting quite popular in the recent years thanks to the positive experiences that many people had with saffron. We will use this article to explain the benefits of saffron for the skin.

Saffron heals wounds and makes scars fade

According to a few sources, the famous king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, used to take baths sprinkled with saffron because he believed that this spice can heal his battle wounds. It seems that he was right because saffron is an excellent source of nutrients that supports healing and exfoliation. People can use saffron soap on their skin to speed up the healing process and fade their scars.

It solves skin pigmentation issues

Aging, long exposure to sun, improper diet and hormonal imbalance are some of the things that lead to skin pigmentation. Thanks to saffron soap, you will be able to solve this problem. As we have mentioned before, this spice has strong exfoliating properties which means that it removes the layers of dead cells which cause pigmentation. 

It can brighten your skin

Scientific studies have confirmed that saffron is a nutrient-rich spice. It contains the B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and vitamin C. These vitamins are crucial for the process of skin lightening. Using saffron soap with milk and lemon juice can help you achieve the desired effect. A team of scientists led by Dr. Fehrat (1), have found that the stigmas of the saffron flower can block tyrosinase and as a result of that the production of melanin is controlled in a better way. 

It softens the skin

Having cracked heels can definitely ruin your physical appearance especially during the summer period. Use saffron soap on a regular basis to soften your skin. Of course, this soap can make your skin softer regardless of the body part where it’s used.

It promotes skin hydration

Finally, saffron soap can help you keep the skin hydrated. Saffron has an ability to absorb moisture and fight chapped dried skin. 

Remember that these are just some of the many reasons why you should replace your ordinary soap with a saffron soap. 


Sandalwood is an aromatic evergreen tree of the genus Santalum with a hefty, yellow and fine-grained wood which was an integral part of perfumes, fragrances, colognes for times immemorial. Sandalwood oil and powder are used extensively for its impressive beauty and health incentives. It is second costliest wood in the world after African Blackwood and its unique scent is highly prized in ancient medicines for its innumerable therapeutic properties.

Ayurvedic Uses

The Sandalwood tree is greatly esteemed in the Vedic books for its sacredness. Chandana or Indra’s Sandalwood tree named after Lord Indra as it spreads the fragrance to the whole of paradise. Sandalwood is cherished as the quintessence of fineness, rendering the aroma even to the axe that slashes it.

In Vedic books, any substance that is exceptional is termed as “Chandana” and used widely in sacred rituals to purify the divine abodes. Sandalwood oil soap owns natural antimicrobial and hydrating properties and works as a cleanser for all types of skin. Sandalwood oil heals the three doshas of the body - treats Vata, pacifies and balances Pitta and Kapha.

Sandalwood powder is blended with water into a fine paste which exerts a cooling effect when applied topically and eases Pitta heat and heals several other conditions like sunburn, acne, rashes, fever, herpes, sores and ulcers. Furthermore, sandalwood oil has remarkably beneficial in promoting the reproductive system, nervous system, muscular system and circulatory system health.

Sandalwood is a beauty ingredient that has existed in all cultures for decades and is pretty known to have an array of benefits for the skin and the mind. The fragrance is such that it evokes a sense of calm and peace. Religiously also, sandalwood has been used in several traditions across the world let alone Hinduism. As far as the Indian skincare is concerned, sandalwood has been a staple for centuries.
The woody fragrance of sandalwood makes it a must use ingredient in soaps for that naturally aromatic experience. Adding sandalwood soap to your daily skincare regime will have an array of benefits. Not only does it have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties but it is also a great antiseptic. In fact, the presence of sandalwood oil in sandalwood soaps keeps wrinkles away and even helps in evening out the skin tone and whitens it further.

Ingredients: (Bees Wax)


">The scientific name of beeswax is cera Alba. Beeswax is usually produced by the young worker-bees whose abdominal glands are made as a beeswax. The worker-bees of the hive collect the wax and form cells for honey storage.

Beeswax can be chemically contains esters and fatty alcohol. Beeswax has been used as the first plastic. It has been used in various products as a lubricant, candles, an agent in cosmetics, in precision casting of glass and as a medium of art in hot wax painting. It is edible too.

Beeswax is made of pollen oils mixed together as white wax, which relatively turns into brown or yellow color. The worker bees have a unique four sections of special glands that is excreted as the way that human secrete sweat.

  1. Beeswax soap really offers some natural benefits and nourishes your skin. It helps in soothing the skin rashes and solves other skin related problems.
  2. Beeswax includes antibacterial properties, so Beeswax soap fights bacteria that is really helpful in preventing skin infection.
  3. It provides a big relief to those with allergic and sensitive skin to chemical ingredients in over the counter or commercial soap.
  4. Beeswax soap does not block the pores. Otherwise, it may lead to dirt and oil getting trapped causing skin infection and inflammation.
  5. The other benefit is that Beeswax in the soap makes the soap a bit harder and last long too.

Ingredients: (Coconut Oil)


Coconut is one of the most stable oils and can easily imbibe the qualities of herbs with which it is processed, which makes it a very good base oil for various Ayurveda medicated oils.

Coconut oil is very effective on chapped lips and is excellent for pre-bath massages and quick post-bath hydration.

Coconut oil is a natural makeup remover. It gently dissolves long-lasting, highly pigmented makeup without drying the skin.

Regular head massage with lukewarm coconut oil is very effective in relieving stress. It promotes hair growth and prevents scaly dry scalps.

Equal parts of coconut oil and lemon juice are very effective for dandruff when massaged on the scalp.
It is better to avoid coconut oil in Kapha imbalance, sinusitis, cold, cough, etc.

Coconut oil can hydrate the skin and help it retain moisture. It may also help reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and have antibacterial properties.

Benefits of coconut oil for the skin

The benefits of using coconut oil for the skin are varied and may include: