Fanuc CNC System 21i-M, Taken From Working Machine, all checked and working prior to removal.

Full System For Sale - As Per Images.

AO68-6096-H101 Servo Amplifier Module

AO68-6096-H206 Servo Amplifier Module

AO6B-6077-H106 Power Supply Module



GE Fanuc Series 21iM-MA - Type AO2B-0247-B545

Price £950+VAT

This item is located at our showroom in Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 3DF, you are welcome to inspect.

Please contact us for delivery price- we have our own Crane Mounted Truck, and Fork Trucks.

VAT is included in the price VAT REG 831519929

For further information contact Bowland Trading Ltd.

Office 01200 422229

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