English text see below 

6 (sechs) ORIGINAL in der Batman " The Dark Night " Produktion verwendetes Filmgeld in Form von 100 US$ Noten. ORIGINALin der Produktion verwendetes Filmrequisit mit Echtheitszertifikate COA (zertifiziert) von PropBlock.

Batman "The Dark Night" zu sehen in der Szene wo der Joker (Heather Ledge) das ganze Geld verbrennt. Es handelt sich NICHT um echtes Geld sondern für den Film hergestellte 100$ Noten (kleiner als Original). Beidseitig bedruckt mit leichten Verbrennungsspuren an den Rändern von der Aufnahme am Set. Jede Note aber in ausgezeichnetem Zustand (siehe Bilder)
** PropBlock ist ein renommierter führender Anbieter für Original Film Memorabilia am Markt

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Six (6) ORIGINAL film money used in the Batman "The Dark Night" production in the form of 100 US$ notes. ORIGINAL film prop used in production with certificates of authenticity COA (certified) from PropBlock.

Batman "The Dark Night" can be seen in the scene where the Joker (Heather Ledge) burns all the money. These are NOT real money but $100 notes (smaller than the original) made for the film. Printed on both sides with slight burn marks on the edges from on-set shooting. Each note but in excellent condition (see pictures).
  • You will receive six (6) banknotes at this price
  • ORIGINAL used in production for your home
  • Original size of the banknote approx. 15.5 x 6.5 cm / 6 x 2.5"
  • Certificate with the ORIGINAL (not a copy etc.) Guarantee of authenticity thanks to COA (Certificate of Authentication) from PropBlock**
  • COA stickers from StarsInYourHome
  • Only available once and offered here
  • By far the cheapest offer on Ebay ( seen 1 Note for 300$) with COA
  • a hard to obtain film prop from Christopher Nolan's blockbuster
**PropBlock is a renowned leading provider of original film memorabilia on the market

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Please note: The price includes shipping costs to the specified destinations,

However, this does not include any customs/import fees in your country. 

This is the buyer's responsibility.