Around a third (32%) of businesses and two in ten charities (22%) report having cyber security breaches or attacks in the last 12 months. Don't let your company be left in the dark when it comes to cyber security and client data.

Your staff are your last line of defence. Expensive technology won’t matter if your employees don’t understand the threats they face. Ensure staff receive appropriate awareness training, and everyone has the same level and quality of training. Prevent a data breach or security incident by training your staff on best-practice procedures so they can actively help mitigate the risks to your sensitive data.

Our CPD accredited Cyber Security Awareness training for employees teaches learners how to Identify the risks associated with cyber activity, how to protect your network from attack using anti-malware defences, the levels of access to data and your restrictions within these, the risks associated with the use of removable media and how to maintain their security and best-practice for cyber security. Upon successful completion, you will receive an instant downloadable cyber security awareness online course certificate. 

The main aims of this course presentation is to give information and create awareness of the most common threats that arise from Cyber activities and steps that can be taken to stay safe online and secure privacy for the benefit of the individual and businesses.

Why is Cyber Awareness important?

How Cyber Crime affects individuals and businesses

What can be done to protect individuals and businesses

How does Security Awareness Training help businesses?

eLearning courses are designed to be interactive to help learners stay focused and engaged in the learning they are faced with.

The courses require the learner to perform small actions within the course, revealing further information, or quiz questions to help them reflect upon previous course content they have studied. A CPD certificate can be downloaded on completion.