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The Yellow Rose

by Carl R. Brush, Bob Stewart

Historically, the term "yellow rose" referred to an attractive mulatto woman. Also historically, the original "Yellow Rose of Texas" was for sure one Emily West, and her story is intertwined in song and legend with the Texas Revolution of 1836. That series of battles, led by Sam Houston, made Texas a Republic, its own country until it joined the union in 1845. The Yellow Rose is set during the revolution and supposes that Emily and Sam not only collaborated in certain incidents that gave the Texans victory, but became romantically involved in the process.
The novel mixes legend with fact. No one knows for sure, despite the many tales about her that arose from her presence in Texas at the time, if our Emily ever met Sam Houston or if she participated in the revolution at all. On the other hand, no one has proved the contrary. So, The Yellow Rose asks the question: What if...
A romance that changed history. The Yellow Rose is the monumental tale of a mixed race woman and her fraught affair with Sam Houston during the Texas Revolution of 1836. In addition to her loving relationship with Houston, Emily West-the true historical Yellow Rose of Texas-encounters the cruel dictator/general Santa Anna, a Cherokee chief, and a pervasive atmosphere of racism throughout the story. Readers will love her and love learning about a little-known and exciting episode in American history.-Lily Amanda of Hollywood Book Review

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Author Biography

Carl Brush has been writing since he could write, which is quite a long time now. His first historical thrillers, The Maxwell Vendetta, The Second Vendetta, and Swindle in Sawtooth Valley are set in early twentieth century San Francisco and the Sierra Nevada where he grew up. Two more-Bonita and Bonita's Quest, are set in the same locale, but in pre-civil war times. Finally, The Yellow Rose, a novel of the Texas Revolution, takes place in 1836 during the battles that led to Texas Statehood. You can find Carl living with his wife in Oakland, California where he enjoys the blessings of nearby children and grandchildren. Bob Stewart died shortly after The Yellow Rose was first published. He was 75 and had been a writer for his entire professional life. As a freelance journalist, he conducted literally thousands of interviews with people famous and infamous, ranging from presidents to serial killers to movie starts. The interviews were published in Life Magazine, People Magazine, and many others. In the entertainment field, he wrote the weekly cover story for TV guide and did movie interviews for KSAT TV. His hometown newspaper, The San Antonio Light, was a venue for much of this work. After retiring, he turned to writing both fiction and non-fiction books. They ranged in theme and style from Man to Man, When The Woman You Love Has Breast Cancer, to the comic detective novel Alias Thomas A. Katt. In The Yellow Rose, Bob presents a story based on the history of the founding of Texas, the state he loved.


Author Bob Stewart
Pages 220
Publisher Bookside Press
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9781998784967
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-12-14
Imprint Bookside Press
Subtitle A Novel of the Texas Revolution
Audience General
