Dial Spring Water | New Active Antibacterial Deodorant Soap | 3 Bars

Introducing Dial Spring Water, the new Active Antibacterial Deodorant Soap that brings you a refreshing and invigorating cleansing experience. Each pack includes three bars, ensuring you have a consistent supply of freshness to kickstart your day.

  • Revitalizing Spring Water Scent: Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating fragrance of spring water with every use. Dial Spring Water brings a burst of freshness to your daily cleansing routine, leaving you feeling revitalized and energized.

  • Active Antibacterial Formula: Experience the power of active antibacterial protection with Dial's advanced formula. It works to eliminate bacteria on the skin, providing an added layer of defense against germs and odors throughout the day.

  • Gentle and Hydrating: Dial Spring Water is designed to rinse clean without drying the skin. Enjoy a thorough cleanse that removes impurities while maintaining your skin's natural moisture balance, leaving you with a soft and supple feeling.

  • Long-Lasting Freshness: Enjoy the confidence of all-day freshness. Dial's deodorant soap ensures that you stay invigorated and pleasantly scented from morning until night, making it an ideal choice for those with active lifestyles.

  • Convenient Three-Bar Pack: Each package includes three bars of Dial Spring Water, providing you with a convenient and long-lasting supply. Keep one in the shower, one at the sink, and one as a backup, ensuring you never run out of your favorite soap.

Elevate your daily cleansing routine with Dial Spring Water, where the invigorating scent meets powerful antibacterial protection, leaving you with clean, hydrated, and irresistibly fresh skin.