The GSPRO Wireless Simulator Control Box, no programming is required it works right out of the box. This device lets you control your golf simulation software like a controller, so you can adjust your shot, change the view, and activate the mulligan feature with just a push of 1 button
This device is hand-built and 3D printed with durable plastic material, so you can use it for a long time without worrying about wear and tear. It also has a wireless capability, so you can connect it to your computer with the included wireless RF dongle, that the included wireless mouse also uses, and gives you up to 10 meter range, No programming is required, just plug the dongle in to your computer and follow the simple steps on the instruction paper.
You can use this device in two ways: either set it on the ground and use buttons with your club, or set it up on a table nearby and use your hands.
Enter key is only on the box for future proofing. As i’m hoping one day you can fully control GSPRO with only keyboard inputs and not have to use a mouse to navigate around the main menu/settings. More how TGC2019 does it hopefully one day.
Please note that this device does not come with any golf simulation software. You will need to purchase or download your own simulation software to use this.
demonstration video