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Eurolab Deutsch Plus

by Oliver Gray

Interactive Deutsch-Plus listening Practice on CD-ROM. Features: 40 pages of activities; Fully interactive; Full-colour; Up-to-the-minute topics; Designed for school or individual use; A-Level style tasks; Top quality digital sound; Transcript included; Works instantly, no manual required! Requires only minimal ICT skills. Runs on both PC (including XP) and MAC (Classic or OSX). "Mac compatible up to System X 10.6.8

Compact Disc
Brand New

Author Biography

Oliver Gray is an educational writer and music journalist. His previous books include VOLUME and VACATION.

Table of Contents

AcknowledgementsIntroductionPART ONE: BUILDING A FRAME OF REPRESENTATION1. The Press, the Personal and News Values2. Issues of Public and Private3. Unifying Key ThemesPART TWO: EXPLORING TRADITIONAL REPRESENTATION4. Histories of Homosexuality: Definition and Discrimination5. Private Lives, Public Consequences: Representation Pre-19806. Immoral Sexuality, Moralistic Press Coverage: Representation 19801990PART THREE: EXPLORING CONTEMPORARY REPRESENTATION7. Histories of Homosexuality: the (Slow) Advancement of Gay Equality8. Scurrilous Politicians, Scandalous Stories: Representation 199019979. Public Life, Public Pressures: Representation Post-1997ConclusionBibliographyIndex


Author Oliver Gray
Publisher Revilo Language Cards
Year 2012
ISBN-10 1897609043
ISBN-13 9781897609040
Format Compact Disc
Publication Date 2012-04-25
Imprint Sarsen Press
Place of Publication Winchester
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2012-04-25
NZ Release Date 2012-04-25
UK Release Date 2012-04-25
Subtitle Interactive A-Level German Listening Practice
Audience A / AS level
