Ultimate MMA/NHB Training

Home Study Course


You’ll receive 15 DVDs that will take you from ZERO to HERO in no time at all! You’ll also receive 17 Certificates suitable for framing!


Don’t forget to message me immediately to tell me the name you’d like printed on your certificates!


Unleash your inner WARRIOR! Elevate your skills with the Ultimate MMA Home Study Course!

Are you ready to step into the world of ELITE training and conditioning, sculpting yourself into a force to be reckoned with? Then look no further than this MMA/NHB Home Study Course that is here to transform you into a martial arts beast!!!

Ignite Your Potential by embarking on a journey of self-discovery as you delve into an exclusive equipment workout routine. Build the ultimate combination of strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility, forging the path to a physique that radiates confidence and power. Elevate your game, both mentally and physically!

Be Unstoppable! From the finesse of stand-up fighting to the intricacies of ground fighting, learn the secrets that make champions. Learn striking and blocking techniques that are second to none, and master the art of throws, sweeps, and takedowns that will leave your opponents bewildered. Arm locks, foot locks, leg locks, and ankle locks – add these devastating techniques to your arsenal and dominate every aspect of the fight!

Precision in Combat! Discover the lethal beauty of chokes, headlocks, and neck cranks that are as effective on the street as they are in the ring. These techniques ensure that once you have a hold, victory is inevitable. Learn to apply these techniques with precision, turning the tide in your favor.

Total Ground Domination! Take command from both the mount and guard positions with the guidance of this course. Control and destroy your opponent with ground-fighting combinations that showcase your dominance. Whether on top or on the bottom, learn to dictate the pace of the fight and emerge victorious.

Outsmart Your Opponent! Master the art of stand-up reversals, turning your opponent's force against them with finesse. Understand the nuances of clinching – unleash deadly strikes and body maneuvers while avoiding hits. Gain the winning advantage with the knowledge to outsmart and outmaneuver your adversaries. Seal the deal with unescapable submission holds – a signature move that ensures your opponent's defeat. Whether stand-up or on the ground, these finishing techniques will make you an unstoppable force in the world of mixed martial arts and street fighting.

Be Fearless! Equip yourself with street-fighting techniques and self-defense strategies that transcend the ring. These insights guide you through scenarios from every angle – front, side, rear – ensuring you can react instantly with devastating blocks, punches, kicks, holds, chokes, and more.

Become the Smart Fighter! Don't just be a tough fighter; become a smart fighter with insights, tips, knowledge and tactics that will give you the edge in any physical confrontation. Develop a winning strategy, both in the ring and on the street, and elevate your fighting ability beyond imagination.

Transform Your Journey: Order the Ultimate MMA/NHB Home Study Course Today!

Don't miss this chance to transform yourself into the ultimate warrior. Order now and join the ranks of those who have harnessed the power of elite training, conditioning, and unparalleled martial arts mastery. Unleash your potential – be The Predator!


Don’t forget to message me immediately to tell me the name you’d like printed on your certificates!


Elite Training, Conditioning & Equipment Workout Routine

In the devastating “Predator” fighting system, you must be in peak physical condition to execute predator techniques at their maximum force and destruction. Get your sweats on as Ultimate, Ultimate Champion Don “The Predator” Frye takes you through his sensational Predator fighter’s fitness warm-up and conditioning routine designed to build ultimate speed, power, endurance, strength, reflexes, flexibility, stamina, confidence and more. Whether a stand-up, or ground fighter, you can get in the best fighting shape of your life today!

(approx. 56 mins)


Devastating Stand-Up & Groundfighting Striking & Blocking Techniques

When it comes to strike combat, nobody is deadlier than “The Predator!” Watching the action-packed UFC, you have seen him destroy his opponents standing and on the ground with deadly punches, kicks, knee and elbow striking combinations. In this video, The Predator holds back nothing as he shows his complete striking arsenal. You will learn how to use every part of your body as a striking weapon for immediate victory in the ring or on the street. Bring your striking ability to a higher level now!

(approx. 58 mins)


Devastating Throws, Sweeps & Takedowns

In combat you must know how to quickly take your opponent to the ground for the kill without injuring yourself. Don Frye teaches the world’s most devastating takedowns, sweeps, and throws designed to set up a ground fighting choke, lock, or strike. Learn to control your opponent with this sensational video.

(approx. 40 mins)


Devastating Arm Locks

Ultimate, Ultimate Champion Don Frye shows total arm destruction with the awesome arm locking techniques presented on this dynamic video. Learn how to inflict immediate pain with Predator style elbow, wrist, and shoulder dislocation techniques. Master Frye also teaches ways of turning your opponent’s attempted chokes and holds into painful armlocks giving you instant victory.

(approx. 45 mins)


Devastating Foot, Leg & Ankle Locks

When engaged in life-or-death ground combat, you must take advantage of whatever opportunity presents itself to defeat your opponent. When your attacker’s leg is open to attack, the Predator shows how to seize the leg and apply the most painful foot, knee and ankle locks ever witnessed. Perfected to a science, Master Frye feels you can defeat 90% of your opponents with leg locks. Broaden your fighting arsenal and become a complete fighter by ordering Master Frye’s foot, leg and ankle locks video today!

(approx. 38 mins)


Devastating Chokes, Headlocks & Neck Cranks

As you have seen watching Master Frye in the UFC, once he gets a hold of his opponent’s neck, they are finished within seconds. Master Frye shows how to quickly destroy any size opponent with his lethal chokes, headlocks, and neck cranking techniques. You will learn The Predator system of arm, and leg choking techniques along with suffocation movements when on the ground. Chokes won’t work if not applied properly, so learn the correct techniques with this important video!

(approx. 50 mins)


Devastating Groundfighting from the Mount (Top Position)

Would you want to be caught on the ground doing battle with Don Frye? I doubt it! The reason you wouldn’t is The Predator techniques presented on this video. Master Frye personally teaches you how to dominate and destroy your opponent from the mount or top ground fighting position. You will learn to completely control your opponent from the top so you can inflict-at-will devastating strikes, chokes, and locks for the win. This is the ultimate mount ground fighting video.

(approx. 38 mins)


Devastating Groundfighting form the Guard (Bottom Position)

Whether in the mount (on top) or in the guard (on the bottom) Don Frye destroys all opponents with his superior ground fighting skills which are 10 steps above the rest. In this must have video, The Predator teaches how to fight from the guard and defeat your opponent with strikes, locks, and chokes. You won’t find a more advanced or better guard fighting video anywhere.

(approx. 34 mins)


Devastating Groundfighting Combinations

In this unbelievable video, Master Frye unleashes his most destructive ground fighting combinations designed to give you the advantage over any opponent when engaged in ground combat! Learn how to control and apply chokes, locks, and striking combinations while moving from the guard to mount position. All this and more only from Panther and “The Predator!”

(approx. 35 mins)


Devastating Groundfighting & Stand-Up Reversal Fighting Techniques

Stand-up fighting and ground fighting is a science and understanding how to out smart and out maneuver your opponent could mean the difference between defeat or victory. In this valuable lesson Ultimate, Ultimate Champion Don “The Predator” Frye teaches you a series of reversals which are techniques designed to use your opponents force and technique against himself. You will learn how to turn, redirect, and gain your opponent’s position for the win. Get the winning advantage in a fight by learning these important reversals from Master Don Frye today!

(approx. 40 mins)


Devastating Finishing & Submission Holds

This is it! These are The Predator techniques no one escapes from! Whether stand-up or on the ground, Master Frye shows how to finish your opponent with numerous submission and finishing holds designed to instantly terminate the fight whether in the ring or on the street. Make these Predator techniques a part of your training now!

(approx. 38 mins)


Devastating Clinching & Escaping the Clinch Fighting Techniques

When in a clinch, there is much more going on between two fighters than meets the eye. When clinching, fighters are constantly delivering deadly strikes and body maneuvers. Don’t be caught off guard, let Master Frye show you how to fight and escape from a clinch the right way without getting hit. The most important information on clinch fighting and escaping ever presented.

(approx. 37 mins)


Stand-Up Streetfighting Self-Defense

No longer feel fear or worry about becoming a helpless victim! Ultimate, Ultimate Champion Don Frye shows how to defend yourself against the most common types of stand-up street assaults. Whether attacked from the front, side or rear, the Predator techniques presented show how to instantly react with devastating blocks, punches, kicks, holds, chokes, and more.

(approx. 42 mins)


Street Groundfighting Self-Defense

When in a street fight there is a great chance it will end up on the ground. Master Frye shows how to immediately control and destroy your opponent on the ground with devastating self-defense chokes, strikes, leg locks, arm locks, submission holds and much more. He shows how to quickly get some big scumbag off who is sitting on you trying to choke you or punch your face. This video is the only lesson you will ever need when it comes to winning a street fight on the ground.

(approx. 33 mins)


Fight Strategy, Ring Smarts & Exclusive Don Frye Video Interview

Although you may consider yourself a good fighter, do you know how to think in the ring? Whether you are in the ring or on the street, you must go into combat with good ring smarts and fight strategy. Lacking a good strategy may mean the difference between victory and defeat! Learn how Ultimate, Ultimate Champion Don Frye prepares for combat in the Octagon against the world’s toughest fighters. Developing that same winning strategy is sure to improve your fighting ability like never imagined. Besides being a tough fighter, become a smart fighter!

(approx. 37 mins)







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