GIFT [2CD+Blu-ray Disc]


*** Product Information ***
Format: CD
Number of Disks: 3
Release Date: September 15, 2021
Record Label: Sme Records
Product Number: SECL-2685

*** Work Information ***
Artist: TRI4th
Artist: TRI4th

*** Recorded content ***

Number of configurations | 3 pieces
Total recording time | 03:15:38

*** Product Introduction ***

Introduction of product

Original full album commemorating the 15th anniversary of the formation, this work is a gloved good song that has been swallowed by HIPHOP, R & B, ska, and rock without staying in jazz, with sound producers, Sarishi Sato, KAN SANO, SHINGO SUZUKI and others. Original full album recorded. In addition to the original album, the first production limited edition, the best album (CD) by fan voting, and the live performed in the Ebisu Liquid Room last December with BD!

Release / sales source provided material

The 15th anniversary of the formation. This work is an original full album that contains a groovy good song that welcomes the sound producer, Sirishi Satori, Kan SANO, SHINGO SUZUKI, etc., and does not stay in jazz, HIPHOP, R & B, ska, and rock. (C) RS
