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El Poder de Una Vida de Oracion

by Stormie Omartian

Discover a new facet of our heavenly father's love toward us

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Publisher Description

Stormie Omartian ha llevado a millones a orar: padres, esposas, esposos, mujeres, jvenes y nios. Cada uno de sus libros son xitos de librera que ha desentraado el misterio de la oracin y ha ayudado a los lectores a acercarse a Dios con la seguridad y la experiencia de su poder. De forma emotiva y sabia, Stormie ayuda a los lectores a comprender cmo pueden hacer su vida... con oracin Stormie Omartian has led millions to pray: parents, wives, husbands, women, youth and children. Each of her books are bestsellers that has unlocked the mystery of prayer and helped readers approach God with the assurance and experience of His power. Emotionally and wisely, Stormie helps readers understand how they can make their lives work ... with prayer.

Author Biography

Stormie Omartian es una autora de bestsellers que conecta personalmente con los lectores compartiendo experiencias y lecciones que ilustran con belleza cmo Dios cambia las vidas cuando aprendemos a confiar en l, a buscar su voluntad y a seguir su gua sin importar las circunstancias. Es la autora de la serie de bestsellers "El poder de la oracin" con ms de 32 millones de libros vendidos, que incluye El poder de una esposa que ora, El poder de un esposo que ora y El poder de los padres que oran. Fue nombrada finalista del Medalln de Oro y finalista del Premio Charles "Kip" Jordon al Libro Cristiano del Ao en 2001, 2002 y 2003 por un periodo sin precedentes de tres aos consecutivos. Omartian es una invitada muy solicitada por los medios de comunicacin y ha sido entrevistada en muchos programas nacionales de radio y televisin y ha aparecido en muchas publicaciones y revistas cristianas. Stormie Omartian is a bestselling author who personally connects with readers by sharing experiences and lessons that beautifully illustrate how God changes lives when we learn to trust in Him, seek His will, and follow His lead no matter what the circumstances.She is the author of the bestselling "The Power of Prayer" series with over 32 million books sold, which includes The Power of a Praying Wife, The Power of a Praying Husband and The Power of Praying Parents. It was named a Gold Medallion Finalist and a finalist for The Charles "Kip" Jordon Christian Book of the Year Award in 2001, 2002, and 2003 for an unprecedented three years in a row. A sought-after media guest, Omartian has been interviewed on many national radio and television programs and featured in many Christian publications and magazines.


Author Stormie Omartian
Language Spanish
ISBN-10 0789918145
ISBN-13 9780789918147
Media Book
Format Paperback
Residence Nashville, TN, US
Birth 1952
Year 2011
Publication Date 2011-01-01
Imprint Unilit
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2011-01-01
NZ Release Date 2011-01-01
US Release Date 2011-01-01
UK Release Date 2011-01-01
Pages 288
Publisher Unilit
Audience General
