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Deep Joy

by Tom Finlay, Ursula Clidière

A book of poems and photos by Tom Finlay, with illustrations by Ursula Clidière

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Publisher Description

A book of poems and photos by Tom Finlay, with illustrations by Ursula Clidière.
This collection invites the reader to explore. It may be a poem that has a particular salience or resonance, it may be one of the photos/illustrations, or it may be the combination of both that invites thoughts and reflections into a different space.
While the illustrated poems (pairings) are curated co-creation of poetry and visual imagery, they are not all free of tensions themselves; some even seem to suggest contradictions.
This creates space for the reader's own imagination and reflections to engage. Both collaborators are present in these pairings, yet they also intend to stand back and offer the pairings as signposts, for the reader's own reflective journey.

Author Biography

As well as writing poetry, Tom Finlay acts as an independent director on Financial services Companies, as an executive coach, a supervisor of executive coaches, and as a psychotherapist. Tom's leisure interests include, fly-fishing in the West of Ireland, Cycling, and year-round sea-swimming. Ursula has a corporate background and has spent most of her career in a global Life Science company based in the US. She has a doctorate in Organizational Psychology, worked as a Management Consultant, then Coach and Coach Supervisor. Many of her leisure activities include the outdoors and sport.


"John Keats wrote "A thing of beauty is a joy forever". Keats's words express for me the sheer beauty, rawness, and vitality of this new book from Tom and Ursula. Tom and Ursula reach out to us from beyond the page - and from beyond time and space - to both inspire and touch us with their art as well as giving us balm, hope and solace in the midst of our complicated lives.
Their work together reaches the sacred reaches of our hearts and souls where we are both tender and where our boundless creativity also lies. This book speaks to our shared humanity, our shared human condition and what it means to be human. With Tom and Ursula by our side we are reminded that we are never alone. Thank you for daring to gift yourselves to us through the rich warp and weft of your beautiful work together".
Elaine Patterson, Author of 'Reflect to Create! The Dance of Reflection for Creative Leadership, Professional Practice and Supervision" It is a rare and beautiful thing when creative kindred spirits such as Ursula and Tom bring together the threads of their artistic talents and weave them so beautifully into a shared piece of work that is vibrant, vital, complementary, each with their own special and unique expression, that on these pages form something that sparkles with an energy of the sacred as well as joyful. It is a tribute to them both, to what is possible when we dream and a gift to us the readers.
Karyn Prentice, Author of Nature's Way. Designing the Life You Want Through the lens of Nature and the Five Seasons


Author Ursula Clidière
Pages 74
Publisher Finlay Consultancy Ltd
Year 2022
ISBN-10 1739229908
ISBN-13 9781739229900
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2022-11-14
UK Release Date 2022-11-14
Imprint Finlay Consultancy Ltd
Subtitle Reflections on Life
Audience General
