Huge Lot St. Croix County Wisconsin Photos WILSON Township &area 1100 PHOTOS

Family papers and 1100 + image   photo group  of the Devine family of  Wilson Township,  St. Croix County, photos  look like they came from  Kitty Belle Devine estate, as the newest images and apepr are all Kitty related.  

Earliest bulk of the photos identified from Wilson Minnesota, guessing that Wilson did not have a school as Miss Devins and her brother attended Springfield grade school and then Kitty attended  Spring Valley High School

I have another 15 photographs of this lot available u[on request.

550   1910-20 era images . one of thesde early images shows store sign:, DeVine the Grocer

17 cabinet photos, 9  of which are larger cabinet images, of people and homes ,one being Wilson Hotel approix 9 3/4" by7 1/2" not including the matt, nterior of a Christmas meal or  meeting 9 3/4" by 7 3/8"  (without matt)
Cabinet photos:

11 Real photo postcards, more than half of which are either adressed to or canceled Wilson .

 A couple of WWI soldier  real photo postcardimages are not addressed, probably Devine Family. One sent to a relative in St. Paul canceled 1949, so Devines were living in Wilson up into early 50's for sure.

Schultzes Camp Grounds Wilson Wisconsin real photo postcard(damage on bottom edge)

Early Wilson school building real photo postcard

382 1920's-40's images, farming,  with 62 of those images being fishing, hunting, many are 3 3/8" by 2 1/4"

130 1950's-60's, I believe some of these may be Wilson, St. Croix County area, but some are Glenwood City, where I believe the gal worked or lived after the war.

23 1958 after the cyclone went through

7" by 5" bar interior photo with staple holes on the corners  and center border area, and tear at top

5" by 7" elementary school photo

8 x10(with border) bordered photo , interior of store, most likely Devine Store

some larger wedding photos, other misc larger photos

3 Spring Valley  Wisconsin High School yearbooks, soft cover, each approx 30 pages, 1937-1939, musty and have hand writing in them(like most yearbooks found do)

3 Wisconsin B Basketball tournament small programs , held in St. Croix Falls, 1937-1939, 2 of them are  6" by 4 3/8, other is a little bit larger but not much these have writing

A number of Kitty Belle Devine   and Hugh John Devine  report cards from Springfield St. Croix County school, elementary school

3 small photo albums, each approx 7 1/4" by 5 1/2", the three have a total of 173 images, all being dated 1916-17.  some pages are loose, a few photos are missing.  There are  39 larger images 5 5/8" by 3 3/8", approx postcard size,but they are photos, not postcards.  Mainly Wilson views showing three  main street images in the larger images, other Wilson home and farm views and a number of some St. Croix Falls Wisconsin and other area views where members of this family having fun with friends  visiting places/ leisure time off.

Mounted on black scrapbook paper(which is also musty, but photos are nice, no stains ) are 241 images.These are all 1910-20's era images. On these  pagesin the 5" x 3" images are town views of Wilson and  an auto accident that appeared to have been hit by a train,  that I assume was the family car, it looks to be the little car they were taking on their adventures/outings.  There is the Wilson Post Office  shot with the horse drawn cutter sled, a total of 20 images on these scrapbook pages that are  5" by 3" or a bit larger

In all of these images are approx 80+ views of guys fishing and  deer hunting and some bird hunting as well, with a lot of trout  fishing photos and images of what was caught.

In these photos, I found an  early image that was a store with the Devine name

In the albums are approx 6 railroad images including some partial depot views, these are probably the depot at St. Croix Falls, I dont know

Other paper items:

Hugh Devine 1884  Wilson monthly report card,

Bank of Wilson  unused checks from 1920's

Black pages, and paper items a bit musty, I got them and never aired them out.

1932 Spring Lake Township Pierce County Wisconsin  Evangelical Lutheran Church consecration program

Kitty Devine St. Croix County Schools elementary diploma 1935.

A number of Hugh John Devine and  Kitty Devine Elementary school monthly report cards from Springfield

Official Northern Wisconsin District Fair program

zThese items do have a musty smell, (I never aired this stuff out since I bought it a  umber of years ago)black pages show some white deterioration on the black page but no damage to photos.
