Beethoven: Piano Sonata Collection SHM-SACD


*** Product Information ***
Number of Disks: 2
Release Date: April 22, 2020
Record Label: DG German Gramophone
Product Number: UCGG-9188

*** Work Information ***
Piano: Emile Gileris
Composer: Ludwig Van Beethoven

*** Recorded content ***

Number of configurations | 2 sheets
Total recording time | 01:28:22

Beethoven: Piano Sonata
No. 6 in Country work 10 2
12th Interestive Long Tone Work 26 [[ Funeral ]]
No. 16 Toto major works 31 1
No. 21 H major work 53 "Walt Stein ]]
To 23rd in minor works 57 [[ passion ]]
No. 25 Long Tone Work 79 [[ Cool ]]
26th Interestain major work 81a [[ Falling ]]
No. 27 Hou minor work 90
No. 28 A major work 101

Emile Gileris (piano)

January 1972 (No. 21, 28) Berlin, UFA tone studio,
June 1973 (No. 6 and 23), December 1974 (No. 25-27) John Monastery,
September 1975 Tourk, concert hall (No. 12, No. 16)

*** Product Introduction ***

Introduction of product

Nine analog recording from Beethoven's piano sonata collection, which has not been able to complete the complete collection due to the death of Gileris in 1985, including recording the Piano Sonata in Germany in Gramophone in Germany. Mastering. It will be released with two SA-CD sets. Gilelice's piano, which inherited the tradition of Russian Pianism and was called the "Steel Touch", has still gained a huge support for a dignified performance with fake decorations. This remaster is a reprint suitable for Beethoven Year. (C) RS
