
Evangelio Marko: le be Ntum Tita bo Yesu Kristo i mbonkad, yi, a ka nwa'ni Marko a, ni Nwa'ni, apostel Paulo ka nwa'ni, ntum mbo bun-Kristo ma Roma a.

[Africa Mungaka (Cameroon)] -

Evangelio Marko: le be Ntum Tita bo Yesu Kristo i mbonkad, yi, a ka nwa'ni Marko a, ni Nwa'ni, apostel Paulo ka nwa'ni, ntum mbo bun-Kristo ma Roma a.

Protestant Missions in the Cameroons, 1929. 17 x 11,5 cm. 117 pp. Contemporary wrappers.

Sprache: af

Bestell-Nr: 140631

Bemerkungen: *Not in Darlow & Moule. The first Scriptures in Mungaka, translated by Adolf Vielhauer of the Basel Mission. - The Mungaka language is spoken by the people of Bali Nyonga. Bali Nyonga is located grasslands of Cameroon in the Northwest Province. - Coldham, G.E. African scriptures, 239.

EUR 131,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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