Franconia and the Bavarian Ostmark

Old vintage book devoted to Franconia, with stunning photo gravure pictures of 'Franken' and the 'Bayrische Ostmark'.

Depicted locations and cities are: Amberg, Ansbach, Arber / Arbersee, Arnsberg, Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Banz, Bayreuth, Bayrischer Wald (Bavarian Forest), Creglingen, Deggendorf, Dinkelsbuhl, Eichstatt, Erlangen, Fichtelgebirge, Frickenhausen, Gossweinstein, Hassfurt, Homburg, Kappl, Kelheim, Kitzingen, Koburg, Kulmbach, Lauenstein, Leuchtenberg, Miltenberg, Nordlingen, Nurnberg, Ochsenfurt, Passau, Regensburg, Rhön, Rothenburg, Spessart Forest, Straubing, Tuchersfeld, Vierzehnheiligen, Walhalla, Warmensteinach, Wasserkuppe, Weissenburg, Weltenburg, Werneck, Wertheim, Wunsiedel and Wurzburg.


  • 264 pages
  • 85 photo reproductions in rotogravure

In fine exterior and fine interior condition
With the rare Original Dust Jacket included, which is edgeworn and overall in very good condition. Pages are clean and bright.

All pages are complete and tight in the binding.

Approx/Measurements: 8-1/2" x 6"  ~1.0 lbs.

Published by Atlantis-Verlag, Berlin


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