Children can come across countless dangers online and the only way to be safe is to ensure you are aware of what they may come across and how to prevent and protect them. Those who care for children have a responsibility to protect and safeguard children in relation to the internet as well as make informed choices as to what they can and can't access.

This online Internet Safety training course is designed to teach your staff everything you need to know about the potential risks and harms children may face, how to address the risks, consider how the internet could be used for targeting and grooming, and why children may not disclose what is happening to them. 

This course has been designed to improve your internet safety awareness, so that you and those around you can stay safe when using the internet.

By the end of this course, we'll aim to:

- Increase our understanding of how the internet continues to impact our daily lives

- Explore the potential of using the internet

- Learn simple techniques to help stay safe when browsing the internet

- Understand the risks associated with social networking

- Raise awareness of the risks of newer technologies as they continue to support our lives

eLearning courses are designed to be interactive to help learners stay focused and engaged in the learning they are faced with.

The courses require the learner to perform small actions within the course, revealing further information, or quiz questions to help them reflect upon previous course content they have studied. A CPD certificate can be downloaded on completion.